Client Savings Counter: $10,000,000+ for 2017-2024 (validated)
with customers in the USA and Canada (AB).
Additional savings claimed by clients but not validated by our staff exceeds $10MM.
■ Tower and Vessel Internals Training, and
■ Training / Mentoring of Process Engineering
Groups and Operations Teams
■ Detailed Design "Traps" and Solutions to
Common Problems in Industry
■ Separation Technologies
■ Detailed Hydraulics, Pump Design, and
■ Flare Projects (e.g. 40 CFR 63.670 for refiners) and Flare Studies
■ OOOO PE certifications for upstream ("Quad O")
■ Project Decision Risk Analysis
■ PSV Corporate Guideline Development
Parv Consulting is committed to safe engineering designs, troubleshooting plant operations, and training for all experience levels in industry to empower your team to succeed at a high level of technical excellence.
We can train your engineering staff to design, operate, troubleshoot, and optimize your facilities through sound process engineering practices.
To be a safe place for people to learn, apply their knowledge in a practical way, and deliver value, excellence, and expertise to the engineering community.
We do this with expertise, knowledge, and experience in a wide variety of oil & gas sectors providing a win-win relationship with industry experts (both active and semi-retired), experienced engineers, and creative problem solvers internally and externally.
In God We Trust -- see our "About" page
■ FEL-1 Studies, 2 recent examples saving clients millions in CAPEX and improving yields by >$10MM / yr in OPEX
■ Yield & Energy Audits (request brochure)
■ Fractionation / Distillation Training,
Design, & Troubleshooting
■ Advanced Process Modeling Techniques
■ PSV Evaluations, Fixes, and Training
■ Flare Studies, Evaluations, and Solutions to
Complex Flaring Issues
■ Exchanger Design / Troubleshooting
■ Economic Evaluations
■ Rail Car Loading & Unloading Projects using compressors or Nitrogen, Emissions Estimates, & Debottlenecking
■ Expert Witness
Other keywords to help you find us: API 520 API 521 API 537 Flare PSV PRV PRD optimization refinery crude preheat train Denver Houston Texas Louisiana Colorado Professional Engineer PE P.Eng. Hysys training Hysys model Hysys simulation VMG simulation software Virtual Materials Group Aspen Tray Design Training Colorado School of Mines Adjunct Professor PHA Facilitator HAZOP HAZID What IF LOPA Dynamic Analysis Dynamic Simulation Heat Exchanger Expertise Heat Transfer Equipment Design Rating GPA GPSA Handbook Databook JMP Six Sigma Black Belt ASME Section VIII 8 psv fix mitigation problems stability analysis pro prd sound power level upstream full stream midstream crude topping Siemens PSPPM iprsm PSV PRV PRD safety valve PSM Rail Car Loading Unloading AB-525. expert witness deposition testimony Alberta Professional Engineering PENG P. Eng. P.Eng. OPPSD ALBERTA ORA OVERPRESSURE RISK ASSESSMENT OVERPRESSURE ASSESSMENT BY SYSTEM DESIGN OVER PRESSURE ASSESSMENT BY SYSTEM DESIGN OVER PRESSURE RISK ASSESSMENT CANADA DYNAMIC RAIL CAR BLOWDOWN